Author Archives: spadmin


This year, the SPBA will again be hosting the largest junior tournament in the Midwest region for players across the country to earn important points towards qualifying for the Junior Nationals. With 524 players it is our biggest tournament yet!

Read more here for:
• official hotel links
• volunteer information
• umpire clinic for new umpires & signing up for existing umpires
• sponsorship and advertising opportunities
• schedules
• facebook invitation
• cheer ads you can put in our program book to support your kids, friends, students, teams, and coaches!
and more!

Thursday 12/22 Classes running as scheduled.

We will have class tonight 12/22. It is the last day of winter session class scheduled until winter session classes return on Friday, January 6th.

We will have our Winter Camp 1/2 – 1/5th. Sign up here!

We will have open gym available throughout the break except we are closed on 12/24, the morning of 12/25 (we will be open Christmas Evening 12/25), and 12/31 and the morning of January 1st (we will be open the evening of New Year’s Dad 1/1).

Happy Holidays everyone!